Pews in sunlight

News & Announcements

Welcome Dr. Christopher Keenan!

April 6, 2021

It gives me great pleasure to introduce and welcome our new organist and assistant director of music, Dr. Christopher Keenan. His name might sound familiar as he was our “guest” organist on February 21, the weekend of his second interview with…

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March 25 Messenger

March 25, 2021

Read our March 25 newsletter titled “Love Unknown” to learn about the latest news and announcements. Details from this issue HolyWeek Worship Services, Easter in the Woodlands, Session Highlights, and Sanctuary Flowers.

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Deacons’ Corner

March 25, 2021

Food Ministry Our casserole campaign with Dimitri’s ended on December 31, 2020. Donations were received for 800 casseroles! At this time, there are about 200 casseroles to be prepared and delivered to the West Side Shelter. Those casseroles will be…

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Be in the Moment

March 25, 2021

As the Lenten season continues, you are invited to drop in and experience Contemplative Prayer/Medita- tion at CPC Monday evenings at 6 p.m. There are no reading assignments. Just come and be open to what takes place in the 40-minute…

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Scouting for Food

March 19, 2021

Troop 306 is participating in this month’s annual Scouting for Food campaign. The congregation, as well as friends, family and neighbors are invited to donate nonperishable food donations and personal hygiene items which will be donated to CEA. Donate your…

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March 12 Messenger

March 12, 2021

In our mid-March 2021 Messenger titled “One Year Later” read about the latest news. Details from this issue include Holy Week Worship Offerings, Ministry Partnerships, Purchasing Engraved Pavers, One Great Hour of Sharing and more.

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