A couple with a young son sing a hymn together during worship.
Rev. Dorothy Boulton lifts her arms and smiles as she leads worship.
Parents and their children listen to a sermon.


Worship with us at 9:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall.

Worship is at the center of our church life, the very foundation for our rhythms of service, mission, education, formation, and fellowship. It is the home we return to, where we encounter the living God who is breathing and moving throughout our world and lives. You are invited to worship with us: in your faith, and in your doubt.

Our expression of worship is rooted in the Reformed tradition and oriented around the scripture. Services are structured in four parts: gathering as the church, hearing the Word of God, responding to this good news, and departing in love and service. These four movements shape our hearts and our minds, engaging our souls through music, prayer, faithful questioning, and meeting one another in our burdens and triumphs.

Worship online

If you prefer to call in by telephone, please subscribe to our weekly newsletter.

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July 14: Eighth Sunday after Pentecost

Bulletins are ordinarily updated every Friday.

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Welcoming All God’s People

We actively engage our intellects and our hearts in what we believe to be true: that God’s peace, justice, and radical love are good news for every corner of our lives. We seek to be a place of freedom and liberation, where people of all ages and backgrounds deepen their connection to God and others while making a tangible difference in our Catonsville community and throughout the world.

Rooted in this faith, our congregation proudly affirms the gifts, callings, and God-given identities of LGBTQIA+ members, friends, and guests. God invites all of us to explore and discover the person God has created and known before all time. We also affirm that black lives matter: to God, and to us. The church must actively work to dismantle the unjust structures of racism which continue to pervade society.

Worship In Person


Reformed worship is marked, in part, by the full participation of the congregation, meaning that accessibility is a crucial element of our Christian practice. Related to this full participation, disabilities have been part of God’s people throughout time and space, and nearly all of us—whether young or old—will be disabled at some point throughout our lives. God has also blessed our world with a diversity of bodies and minds, meaning that the accommodations below aren’t set aside for those with disabilities, but the whole congregation, intended to heighten the participation of all those who gather in worship. If there are particular accommodations that might improve your accessibility and access to worship, programming, or participation in congregational life, please reach out to a pastor, deacon, or staff member.

Mobile Accessibility

  • There is a wheelchair- and walker-accessible ramp at the corner entrance of Frederick Road and Beechwood, with reserved parking in the small lot on Frederick Road.
  • There are larger pew spaces near the front of the sanctuary that can easily accommodate walkers and wheelchairs.
  • An accessible, single-stall restroom is available near the sanctuary. When exiting the sanctuary near the piano and pulpit, turn right down the hallway.
  • A few steps lead to the educational wing of the church, but a small lift provides access.

Auditory and visual accessibility

  • The sanctuary is fitted with a hearing loop. Headsets are available in the rear of the sanctuary.
  • Those who are joining online can enable automatic captioning on YouTube.
  • The order of worship is published on the Events page as responsive HTML.
  • The online order of worship can be enlarged with a tablet or other mobile device. Google has a helpful guide for those enlarging text on Google Chrome.

COVID-19 accessibility

  • Though many members do not wear masks, it is not uncommon to see individuals masked. You are invited to contact a pastor with any concerns or issues that may arise.
  • The sanctuary typically has ample room for those who wish to social distance.
  • Hand sanitizer and masks are available in the front and rear of the sanctuary.

Other accommodations

  • Gluten-free bread is available in a smaller dish during Communion.
  • A transcript of the sermon is typically available the following business day after a service.
  • Service speed can be adjusted to be slower or faster by watching on YouTube after a service concludes.
  • The Fellowship Hall is available during services for those who might need to limit sensory stimuli. The sermon can be heard in the Fellowship Hall.
  • Those who are homebound or who are unable to attend in-person can have some publications sent by mail. This includes sermons, the Messenger, and seasonal publications (like Lenten devotionals).