Pews in sunlight

News & Announcements

World Communion Sunday

October 3, 2019

The first Sunday of October has become a time when Christians in every culture break bread and pour the cup to remember and affirm Christ as the Head of the Church. One of the many joys of being a Christian is sharing our love of Christ and the Church with sisters and brothers all around the globe. As we gather at the Lord’s Table on this Sunday, we are reminded of our intimate bond with Christ and with all who seek to serve him in the world. The unique bond, this fellowship that we experience through our connection with the global Church is real, profound, and beautiful.

On World Communion Sunday, October 6, we will be highlighting our upcoming mission trip to Puerto Rico. On November 11, our work team of twenty-one members and friends will leave for San Juan and spend a week in San Sebastian, 2.5 hours from San Juan, helping friends still recovering from Hurricane Maria in September 2017. We have set aside this day to help the entire congregation feel connected to this important work.

During Adult Education Hour

During the adult education hour at 9 a.m., members of the Catonsville Presbyterian Work Team share some of the history of Puerto Rico and the Presbyterian Church on the island, the role of Presbyterian Disaster Assistance in recovery and how these relationships are evolving. As Catonsville Presbyterian members share their own reflections about the trip, the class will be invited into a conversation around what “mission” means for Christians today and how that shapes that way we as a congregation engage before, during and after the trip.

Peace and Global Witness Offering

During worship, as we gather around the Lord’s Table on this day, we will celebrate our connection with the global church, with special attention to the church in the Spanish-speaking world. The PCUSA’s annual Peace and Global Witness Offering will also be received. Twenty-five percent of the total offering received will go to support local peace and social justice work. A gift to the Peace & Global Witness Offering enables the church to promote the Peace of Christ by addressing systems of conflict and injustice across the world.

Presbyterian’s Work Trip to Puerto Rico Lunch

After worship, we invite you to support Catonsville Presbyterian’s Work Trip to Puerto Rico. Members of the Work Team and Catonsville Presbyterian Youth will be preparing and serving a hot meal, and we invite all to join us for a little taste of Puerto Rican culture. Please register for the lunch so we can plan accordingly. A free will offering will be taken to help cover the cost of the work trip. Any additional funds received will go toward rebuilding materials. It is fitting that we take time on World Communion Sunday to learn and honor our connection to the people of Puerto Rico. The Work Team will be commissioned during Sunday morning worship on November 10 and the trip will take place November 11-18, 2019.