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Moment for Stewardship: Greg Mayes

November 10, 2023

During this fall season where we reflect on stewardship, Greg Mayes shares about his own experiences with giving.

Join us on Commitment Sunday, November 19, as we dedicate pledges and give thanks the gifts of this community. If you feel led to make a pledge, use the online pledge form.

I want to give thanks for this moment to share with you why I give to the church. Like many of you, there are several reasons:Β  as followers of Christ we are called to give. It is important to sustain the ministries of CPC with our giving. Maybe we have been raised, influenced, shaped with the example of other givers.

The apostle Paul recalls Christ said it is more blessed to give than to receive – but I also believe we will receive nonetheless. I give to the church because I have first been given.

From where and from whom have I been given this grace. From you this church. As we consider over the next few weeks our pledge, maybe we can understand how we each were first given so that now we give – and how we continue to belong to each other through this giving. And maybe as we reflect on our past pledge we can remember not only what we gave in the past but also what we have been given and how we are connected in this body of Christ. I give to the church because I have first been given. Thanks be to God.