Pews in sunlight

News & Announcements


Sing the Faith

September 18, 2023

Greg Knauf extends a warm invitation to sing the faith through choirs, handbells, and other gifts.

One of the many things I love about this congregation is that we appreciate music and its integral role in worship. We are also a congregation that sings! One of the nice things about worshiping in the Fellowship Hall during the summer is that we’re closer together and can hear every voice filling the space. When the pandemic took in-person worship away from us, there was a hole in my own worship. Congregation singing was noticeably absent.

There is something transformative in the act of singing together, especially singing our faith together.

Chancel Choir Singing in Church
The chancel choir sings every Sunday during the fall and spring months

Science has shown the many benefits of singing in a group, but even without that evidence, I think there’s an obvious, palpable energy in the church when we join together in song. I invite you to lean into this transformation that happens through song this fall through one of the upcoming opportunities. And as we kick off another season, please join me in thanking all of the volunteer musicians who contribute in such a valuable way to our worship experience!

Chancel Choir

If you are someone who enjoys the communal experience of singing together and wants to get more involved, the doors to the Chancel Choir are always open. Chancel Choir rehearsals are held on Thursdays between 7:00 p.m. and 8:15 p.m. in the sanctuary, in addition to Sundays at 9:45 a.m. before worship. Our first rehearsal will be Thursday, September 7.

A person rings in the Handbell Choir at Catonsville Presbyterian Church
Handbells are a great way for non-singers to participate in musical ensembles

Handbell Choir

The handbell choir is looking for new ringers this season to create a complete ensemble. No ringing experience is necessary, but it is strongly recommended that players know how to read music.

If you are interested in getting involved with the chancel or handbell choirs, or want more information, feel free to speak to me or a current member, or send me an email.

Children and Youth Choir

As an integral part of our ministry to families, the church recognizes the value of giving our children and youth the opportunity to participate in worship as they learn the value of making music together and offering praise to God. This year, there will be several opportunities to sing in worship. Contact Wendy ( for more info.

Instrumental Contributions

Please email me if you play an instrument and would like to contribute in some way to our worship services. We have many talented members of the church, and it’s always wonderful to see those talents shared in worship.