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News & Announcements

Santi School

February 5, 2021

Nepal-based Santi School is now into its 15th year of operation. CPC has been involved with this school since its inception, providing monetary support through Christian Education Committee’s cookie walks, Mission Fund Interest and Envision Funds. Working through the pandemic, and still reeling from the 2015 earthquake that killed 9,000 people and damaged or destroyed hundreds of schools, Santi School retains its mission of promoting quality education in rural Nepal for girls and ethnic minorities.

Initially founded to build and repair schools, Santi School has shifted its focus to training teachers and emphasizing reading aloud to children. Enabled with CPC funding, on-site training was conducted at each school and one refresher training session was held at a central location for all 32 participants in the 2019-2020 school year. Santi School also has, and continues, to set up read- ing corners in each of the partner schools with book- shelves, tables, carpet, books, and book-making materials. The newest program on the horizon is to establish a publishing arm to supply classrooms with engaging, age- appropriate books they would otherwise lack. Plans for the first half of 2021 include publishing its first three titles, conducting socially-distanced teacher training sessions at 22 schools and providing a full book corner in 2 classrooms of each of those 22 schools.

Santi School carries out its mission with a volunteer U.S.-based board of directors and an implementing partner in Nepal, Kakshyalaya, that has its own board of directors and a small paid staff. A multi-phased approach is being implemented to build years-long relationships with each of the partner schools. Two links that may be of interest to CPC members are: Improve education for Nepali girls and minorities (original)

and Help us rebuild schools in Nepal (earthquake response): remote-schools-in-nepal/