Pews in sunlight

News & Announcements

Earth Care

September 12, 2022

The Creation Care Team has worked for the past six seasons transforming existing gardens and creating new spaces to develop gardens and meadows with native plants and shrubs. A lot of the early, heavy-duty effort was done with a combination of volunteer…

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September Sundays

September 8, 2022

Join us as we return from summer to a new, exciting, worship and education schedule for the entire family. Adult Education resumes on Sunday, September 11. Instead of weekly offerings, we’re going to gather on the second and fourth Sunday of…

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September Messenger

September 8, 2022

Read our September 2022 Messenger titled “Leaning Forward” to learn the latest news. Details from this issue include September Activities, Growing in Grace, Earth Care Congregation, Welcoming Wendy Johnston our new Organist and more.

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A view of the entrance to the sanctuary with tall white pillars

New COVID Safety Protocols

August 29, 2022

Dear Friends: Session met to consider new COVID safety protocols, recommended by the Pandemic Task Force. Taking into account the likelihood that COVID levels are unlikely to improve in the near future, combined with a strong desire to have a…

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The words "Back to School" surrounded by school supplies

Backpacks for Success

August 5, 2022

In our community, there are many underprivileged students who don’t have resources to obtain the suitable school supplies for class. Given the tools such as backpacks, pencils, pens, markers, crayons, rulers, etc. leaves a child packed with success. All backpacks,…

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