Pews in sunlight

News & Announcements

Family Play Time

July 21, 2023

Children from kindergarten through fifth grade and their parents are invited to gather at our playground for play time!

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Protest sign stating "Climate Justice Now"

Unpacking “Missions”

July 19, 2023

You’re never alone in this work, so rest easy knowing that it is the Spirit who empowers us, God who has called us, and Christ whose grace covers us, no matter where the mission of God leads us.

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Supporting Women’s Hygiene Kits

June 23, 2023

From July 9 through July 30, you’re invited to participate in this new Church World Service (CWS) program that provides essential feminine hygiene products to women and girls.

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Magazine spread with young people and vibrant blue text

Mid-Summer Messenger

June 23, 2023

Please submit all items for the mid-summer edition of the Messenger to Michael Cuppett no later than Saturday, July 15.

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