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Moment for Stewardship: Tracy Lantz

November 22, 2023

During this fall season where we reflect on stewardship, Tracy Lantz shares about his own experiences with giving.

If you feel led to make a pledge, use the online pledge form.

Whenever I think about my pledge to the church this passage comes to mind:

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.  For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6:19-21)

I grew up in a Presbyterian Church whose sanctuary seemed very grand to me as small child. It was actually very similar to this one, with pale green paint similar to what we used to have here. I attended with my parents and sister, trying to be quiet during those long sermons. We moved several times during my childhood and each time we found a church and became part of that new community. As I grew a bit older, I recall my parents writing a check on Sunday mornings and putting it in an envelope as we headed out the door to church. I also recall my parents being very active in each of their church communities, my mother in the choir and with Sunday school activities, my father with Session and Deacons. My father was always giving people rides to and from church services and helping with projects within the community.

My examples for giving came from my parents. They never had a lot, but they always had enough to care for my sister and I while giving a portion of what they had to their church.

I have certainly been blessed by God in so many ways. I was fortunate to have loving parents and a loving community. I’ve had good jobs with salaries that were much more than I ever needed to make ends meet. I have a loving husband, many dear friends and family members as well as the protection of a safe home.

I’m gratefully to have found and been welcomed into this church. After a fair amount of searching in the Catonsville community, I joined this church in 1999. I’ve enjoyed the opportunity to serve in so many ways: as an usher, as a leader for Presbyterian Women, as a trustee, a member of the Envision Board, and most recently continuing to serve as a member of the digital committee.

Completing a pledge card each year helps me to set goals. For most of my life I’ve worked to increase my commitment to the church each year. Giving to the church has always been a priority for me in terms of how I use the gifts that God has given to me. One of the ways I store up my treasure in heaven is by making a commitment to this church each year.

Won’t you join me in making a pledge for 2024 to Catonsville Presbyterian Church?