Pews in sunlight

News & Announcements

July Session Highlights

July 29, 2022

The Session is a body of fifteen members, elected by the Congregation and ordained as ruling elders, who provide leadership for our congregation. Following are highlights from the Session meetings on July 27, 2022.

β–  The Deacons suggested that we have a church picnic in September and the Session agreed, suggesting that the meat servings could be catered, and the rest of the meal be provided by members as a potluck to simplify preparation. Watch for announcements in the Messenger and eNews.

β–  The Finance Committee reported that our operating budget is close to breaking even, which is a very
good sign at this point in the summer. Members are encouraged to maintain their pledges during the summer months. The investment accounts continue to suffer with the down markets but are expected to recover with the robust economy.

β–  The Christian Education Committee is polling families with children to gauge interest in supporting Sunday morning church school in the fall. Some alternative formats are being considered. The Adult Education Committee is planning regular Sunday morning classes at 9 am on alternating Sundays.

β–  The new Facility Use Policy is being evaluated as applications continue, and some revisions are being consid- ered. Watch the Messenger for updates.

Session recognizes the need to continually communicate with our membership, and we welcome your suggestions for communication exchange. Session member contact information is listed in the Church Directory, so it is easy to communicate directly with your church leaders. Take a few minutes to send a message to a Session member, the pastors or the church office, and let us know what you think. We want to hear from you!