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News & Announcements

ICJS Manekin-Clark Annual Lecture

October 5, 2023

The Manekin-Clark Annual Lecture

The Institute for Islamic-Christian-Jewish Studies will host Walter Earl Fluker, Ph.D. at the annual Manekin-Clark lecture on Monday, October 23, from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. The event will be held at the Northside Baptist Church in Baltimore.

Wake Up Running: A vision for connection and transformation

Join us for the ICJS Manekin-Clark Annual Lecture. Dr. Walter Earl Fluker—drawing on the inspiration of his mentor, the renowned theologian Howard Thurman—calls on us to meet this new moment by remembering, retelling, and reliving our stories on the ultimate path to liberation. Dr. Fluker challenges us as communities to adopt a stance of interreligious congregating, conjuring, and conspiring at the crossings where these encounters, and even conflicts, take place as a means of achieving social justice, equity, and transformation.

Walter Earl Fluker, Ph.D., Guest Lecturer

Dr. Fluker is a Distinguished Professor of the Howard Thurman Center at Hartford University for Religion and Peace in Hartford, Conn. He served from 2020-2023 as the Professor of Spirituality, Ethics, and Leadership at Candler School of Theology at Emory University and is professor emeritus and the former Martin Luther King, Jr. Professor of Ethical Leadership at the Boston University School of Theology, where he served as the editor of the Howard Thurman Papers Project.

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