Pews in sunlight

News & Announcements

Creation Care News

February 4, 2020

Winter is the time of the year for our gardens to regenerate, maybe deepen roots or spread roots into new areas. Perhaps something to learn there—for us, as well! While we wait for spring, which is just around the corner, it is a great time to make our spring garden plans. If you are looking for good resources, may I suggest two reads to try out. First the book titled The Humane Gardener, and second the website Both of these reflect the Creation Care Team philosophy for the native gardens, woodlands, and meadow spaces of our church.

For native plants, I highly recommend Herring Run Nursery,, operated by Blue Water Baltimore. Many of the native plants and trees used in our projects were purchased there. The Staff also make great recommendations and provide advice on planting.

We will be scheduling general spring garden workdays in late March and April, depending on the weather patterns, and then throughout the coming season. Watch for more information! Contact Ron Gunderson at if you are interested in helping the Creation Care Team make our church grounds more environmentally sound and esthetically pleasing.