Pews in sunlight

News & Announcements


March 12, 2020

Dear Friends

Like you, we are actively monitoring the developing COVID-19 situation in our area. Last week, Session authorized the formation of a COVID-19 Task Force, made up of healthcare professionals from within the congregation, along with representatives from the Worship and Christian Education Committees, and the Deacons. The Task Force will serve as an advisory council to help us determine best practices for us as a congregation moving forward and care for each other. Since this is a fluid situation, we will be providing regular updates.

Here’s the latest

We are planning to have church school, adult education, and worship this Sunday, March 15. Following the guidelines of the CDC, we will encourage social distancing, and good hygiene. Those who are more vulnerable to illness as well as those who are symptomatic of illness should plan to stay home. Anyone with underlying conditions such as diabetes, immune disorders, and other conditions should avoid groups or crowds. See the CDC recommendations

For the past two weeks in worship, we have refrained from handshaking during the Passing of the Peace, and will, of course, continue to do so; and I refrained from shaking hands after worship. We request that whenever you’re at the church for any event that you refrain from physical touch (no hugging) and maintain a 3-6’ space (if possible).

We are exploring ways to connect electronically for worship, should we have to suspend worship in the sanctuary. There are many ways to worship God. And for those who are not connected to the internet, we will be developing ways to support one another, especially our members who are most vulnerable.

We are coordinating our response with the director of the Child Care Center and with the members of the Child Care Council.

As a community of faith we can take comfort in knowing that we are not alone. We can draw strength from one another as we draw strength from God as we walk through this together. Last Sunday in worship we used a modified version of this Litany for the Coronavirus. Many found it both meaningful and comforting and I share it here to help guide your personal prayers: A Litany for the Coronavirus.

If you have any questions, Dorothy and I are available via email or phone.

Grace and peace,
