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Group of members showing Orioles spirit at Camden Yards

Connection Beyond Coffee Hour

October 2, 2023

The chair of the Fellowship Committee, Stephanie Stevens, writes about what it means to form community outside of formal church events – at coffee, sports games, and wherever the Spirit leads.

Between an increase in remote work, decreased opportunities for human connection, and the lasting effects of COVID, it is harder than ever to make much needed connections. I can personally testify that as an adult it is difficult to make friends.

Several months ago, I turned 40 (!) and gathered with friends and family to celebrate at a local restaurant. Numerous members of my Presbyterian Women circle attended along with our pastors and something came up: why aren’t we doing things like this more often?

Group of members showing Orioles spirit at Camden Yards
Over two dozen members and friends enjoyed the Orioles’ win over the Colorado Rockies this summer

While fellowship opportunities certainly exist at church, there is often a level of “formality” that melts away outside of the walls. Outside of the church walls, we can relax and be ourselves in a unique way, deepening friendships that might be ordinarily limited to small talk during fellowship hour. These outside opportunities for fellowship also allow others to see that the church isn’t a bunch of stuffy, holier-than-thou types, but to the contrary: we know how to have fun!

I greatly encourage all of you to create your own fellowship opportunities as well! Planning to go to your favorite bar to watch the Ravens game? Post it on our private Members and Friends Facebook group and invite others to come along! If you have any ideas, I’d love to hear them as well.
Being a community of faith means being a true community and taking it outside these walls.