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News & Announcements

Children singing with choir

Upcoming Children and Youth Choir Rehearsals

January 25, 2024

The children and youth choir will resume next Sunday, February 11, after worship. New singers are enthusiastically welcomed, and there is no commitment beyond the short weekly rehearsals and Palm Sunday worship. While the Souper Bowl of Caring luncheon is set up, children and youth should meet with Wendy for a few minutes in the choir room. Wendy will listen and sing with each child for 2-3 minutes to get a sense of their voice. Children and youth are free to leave immediately after.

Beginning February 18, regular rehearsals will be held every week leading up to Palm Sunday, when the children and youth choir will sing during worship. Children and youth should gather in the choir room after worship for a roughly thirty-minute rehearsal.

For more information, contact Wendy Johnston, Organist and Assistant Director of Music.