Pews in sunlight

News & Announcements

April Session Meeting Highlights

April 15, 2021

Session Meeting Highlights

The coronavirus pandemic has not stopped the work of the church!Your Session continues to meet
on a monthly basis, and is using Zoom to meet online in view of the coronavirus pandemic restrictions. Following are highlights from the Session meeting on April 7, 2021. Submitted by David Hutton, Clerk of Session.

■  The Finance Committee reported that finances are stable for this time of the year, and the budget is essentially bal- anced between income and expenses. The congregation is to be thanked for their continued strong support throughout the pandemic.

■  Session received a presentation from one of the Deacons about establishing a Stephen Ministry in our church. Stephen Ministers are lay persons trained to provide support to fellow members who are experiencing a time of personal crisis. Ses- sion granted permission to survey the congregation for interest in the program, so you can expect to hear more about this in the near future.

■  Session approved a request from the Trustees to furnish the new Pavilion with picnic tables and benches to support activities by church members, Child Care Center children and families, scout troops, and our community neighbors. Fund- raising activities are planned with these groups to support the purchase.

■  Session received and approved the report from the Envision Board recommending Envision grant awards totaling ap- proximately $128,000 to four different groups. The awards will be announced at worship on May 1. A second grant cycle will be conducted in the fall of this year to award an additional $36,000 in grants.

■  The Worship Committee is exploring options for outdoor worship opportunities as the weather improves. An evening communion service is being considered for some time in May.

■  At our upcoming meetings, Session will be exploring what the ministry of CPC will look like after being dominated by the COVID-19 pandemic, and answering the questions:o What have we learned from the pandemic about the nature of the church?
o Where are we being led to use these learnings?
o What has worked during this year of adaptive change, and what has not worked? o Where are the new opportunities for growth, creativity, and witness?