Woman raises hands into sky with multicolored stole

Envision Grants

I will pour out my Spirit on everyone.  Your sons and daughters will proclaim my message.  Your old people will have dreams and your young people will see visions.

Joel 2:28

Jumpstart your dreams

Catonsville Presbyterian Church offers a unique opportunity to imagine the future and financially jumpstart those dreams. The application process is open to everyone: church members, staff, and committees as well as non-profit organizations and individuals.

What Kind of Projects Are Funded?

Envision programs focus exclusively on special projects and seed money for new projects or programs. Programs do not support day-to-day operating expenses, emergency funding, or budgetary items. Our program is focused on helping dreams for ministry development, service, and a more equitable world become a reality.

All applications must fall under at least one of these categories:

  • Ministry development: Identifying or expanding ministry areas
  • Service: Local, national, or international humanitarian activities
  • Social Justice Advocacy: Working for social change to remove obstacles for all people.


Program comparison
Download comparison chart

The Envision Board administers two programs:

  • Simple Gifts: a rolling giving cycle for needs up to $1,500/year
  • Envision Grants: an annual grant cycle for larger projects over $1,500

Both programs (Simple Gifts and Envision Grants) are for projects that are self-sustaining and non-budgetary items. For example:

  • One-time expenses for equipment, training, or facilities work
  • Seed money to start a program that will acquire other sources of income in the future
  • Assisting an existing project to achieve self-sustainability
  • Doing something new or creative with an existing initiative
  • A project that works toward a “hand-up” rather than a “hand-out”

Funding for Simple Gifts is available in April/May each year after Envision Grant applications have been reviewed and awarded.

How Do I Move Forward with My Vision?

Program comparison$1,500 or less: Simple Gifts

If your need is for $1,500 or less, fill out a Simple Gifts application. Because it is a rolling application process, email the board before filling out your application to ensure there is money available. Simple Gift applications are accepted throughout the year until the funding runs out.

Apply now

Envision GrantMore than $1,500: Envision Grants

If your need is for more than $1,500, you need to apply for an Envision Grant. Envision Grants are reviewed and distributed on an annual cycle with applications due March 1 of each year. All Envision Grant application materials are due by March 1, 2025, including sponsor paperwork.

Apply now


For questions about Envisioning Gifts or the application process please contact the board.