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News & Announcements

Summer Watermelons

Summer of Kindness

August 3, 2021

Growing in God’s Love

Looking for ways to grow in faith over the summer in a fun and meaningful way? The Christian Education committee is sharing this amazing resource called the “Summer of Kindness” with six sessions to help us understand kindness better. Each session has four parts—Hear, Wonder, Pray, Play, Act.

  • Hear the Bible story from Growing in God’s Love story bible (or watch the video on the website)
  • Wonder about the story together
  • Offer a short prayer
  • Play a fun game or activity

Choose an act of kindness (or a few) from the Bingo sheet.

Themes include—Welcoming, Compassion, Caring, Thankful, Loving, and Kindness Can Be Hard. Videos of the Bible stories, plus songs and other great selections are also available on the website. (It includes Will-i-am singing with the Sesame Street muppets, how great is that?)

Choose whichever parts bring you and your loved ones joy. The materials can be found at (Many thanks to the generosity of the Michigan United Methodists for this excellent resource!)

Also, we’re giving away the Growing in God’s Love story bibles to CPC families with children ages four-years to nine-years-old. We will have copies available on Sunday mornings when we gather for worship, plus at the church office, which is open Tuesday thru Fridays from 9 a.m. till 4 p.m. If you have any questions, please contact Dorothy at