Pews in sunlight

News & Announcements

LWR-IMA World Health Project

April 30, 2019

Save the Date! June 8, 2019 will be our new Mission Committee project with Lutheran World Relief-IMA World Health partners. On June 8 at 9:30 am in Fellowship Hall, we will assemble 280 personal care kits. We will be working to provide personal care kits for people whose homes have been destroyed by natural disasters or for those who have fled their homes for their personal safety. In cases such as these, people often are forced to flee without any of their personal belongings.

About the Project

The kits will contain a towel, two or three bars of soap, an adult sized toothbrush, a sturdy comb, and a metal nail clipper. The kits are rolled and then tied with yarn or ribbon. Toothpaste will be added at the site of distribution of the kits. The cost of each kit will be $10, which includes funding for shipping. All items for the kits will be purchased in bulk, prior to the assembly day. By purchasing in bulk, we will be able to make all the kits exactly as specified in their directions.

The Mission Committee is excited about this new project to help refugees wherever these kits may be needed. We look forward to your continued support of assembling kits for LWR-IMA World Health. Look for our display and additional information during the month of May. Our kits will be displayed and dedicated on June 9.