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News & Announcements

Local Food Relief Update

May 8, 2020

We are grateful to the response of CPC members to the recent request for donations to Grace AME for their food pantry. Last week we received enough canned goods to feed 32 families for a week! This week we have learned that Catonsville Emergency Assistance (CEA) has undertaken to deliver 200 lunch meals per week to the local homeless community, for which we are also grateful.

Become Involved

Here are 3 easy ways:

  • You can make an online donation or write a check to the CPC “Local Hunger Response”;
  • You can continue to contribute canned goods in the bins behind the Church House; or
  • You can write a check to CPC marked for either CEA or Grace AME Missionary Outreach

The Mission Committee is committed to regularly monitor the donations received and the requests for assistance from our community partners so that we can be sure that the funds are delivered where they are most needed as they become available. Please give generously to help our neighbors in need of food assistance.

Thank you, from your Mission Committee.