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News & Announcements

Rev. Betsey Moe smiles with her spouse Eric

Meet a Mission Co-Worker

May 16, 2023

Discover missions on June 14

The Presbyterian Church (USA) sends mission co-workers at the invitation of organizations who seek additional support from the church. The title of “mission co-worker” is embedded with a theological conviction of the Presbyterian Church (USA): true mission partnership is about building relationships, learning from one another and walking together in faith and friendship. Around the world, teachers, church planters, doctors, public health specialists, chaplains and human rights advocates serve alongside Christians in fifty countries. From teaching theology and English to preaching and evangelizing, mission co-workers accompany, listen, work in partnership the global church.

Betsey Moe is one of these mission co-workers, laboring in Guatemala in partnership with the Presbytery of Baltimore. She will be spending time in the Presbytery from June 12-15, and the mission team of Ark and Dove Presbyterian Church has invited our congregation to attend a dessert meet-and-greet on June 14 at 6:00 p.m.

At this meet-and-greet, Betsey will share about the programs and activities of the Protestant Center for Pastoral Studies in Central America (also abbreviated in Spanish as CEDEPCA). The non-profit educational organization is headquartered in Guatemala City and provides training in disaster ministry, women’s ministry, intercultural ministry, and biblical/theological studies. As a long-time Presbyterian World Mission partner, the center has close ties with congregations and presbyteries across the United States.

Betsey serves as a facilitator for the intercultural training program at CEDEPCA in addition to supporting seminarians, churches, and university students from the United States, planning their educational programs, interpreting for these groups, and leading them in spiritual and missional reflection.

Spend time with Ark and Dove and Betsey on June 14 and discover the ways in which we accompany and listen to mission partners around the world!

Read more from the Baltimore Presbytery